i'm new to 4-ch. im liking i more than most imageboards.
what does DQN mean by 4-ch definition? wiki tells me its a 2ch term for a foolish person (kind of an equivilent to noob i would think).
can i assume we've made the term into a text board equivilent of /b/?
don't think, feel.
( ί ί) Those fuzzy things you wear on you hands, but don't have separated fingers like gloves do.
Stands for Doesn't Quite Know.
thread over. all people posted. close plz.
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i @§-]@|! i@No we're not. Now order something or get out.
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==@@@THE REI'S DINER@@@@==
( ί ί) Anti Social Behaviour
DQN originates from the word the ancient Germans used to describe the Roman invaders. However, because the Germans at this time suffered from intense inbreeding caused by a ratio of 1000 men to 1 woman, their name for the Romans, Latins, was spoken as "Daqins" which is attested to in several Roman histories. Later in the medieval period, due to the frequency of the usage of the term "Daqins" in the records of German speeches which are documented in the Roman histories, the monks created the abbreviation D.q.n. The modern spelling DQN was used in the late 1960s in order to make the term appear hip and cool like the CIA or FBI.
DQN is an abbreviation for "Deep Q-Network", a variant of the Q-learning algorithm for machine learning