Not that I actually endorse moral relativism.
>>2 can't even read the instructions in the thread. Are all Americans this dumb?
>>3 thinks DQN even gets up at 06:21
he also is unaware that his degenerate Western individualism has no place in the Islamic UK
>>4, that's a rather bold claim you are making regarding every member of the Elitist Superstructure. You need to rid yourself of your tendency to make sweeping generalizations. Do you know what happens when people are free to make them without any concern for reality? Well, just look at Hitler.
>>6 failed to study the traditions of Usenet before tipping his toe into the world wide interwibble. I am therefore killfiling his entire newsserver.
>>8 's attempted sensitivity to issues of racial discrimination is appreciated, but simply bringing up "the N-word" is insensitive in itself and puts these issues in the spotlight where they bring up painful memories for those who actually lived through times where such terms were common parlance.
u dumb >>9 cuz we r callin each other nigga all time & were cool with dat
Your casual "spotlight" analogy serves to remind those people less fortunate than you of the life they are missing. Not everybody lives the glam lifestyle.
Not that I expect you to know the customs of discussion boards, but you are supposed to reply to the last poster, >>11, not to someone else.
>>10 should refrain from attempting any form of criticism of his economic and intellectual superiors and should stick to "hanging" with his "niggas" in the "hood".
( ・-・) Wow, I seem to have inadvertently derailed another thread.
< `∀´> Well, never mind that, then, how about we discuss the greatness of Corea?
Fido is not your sexual property >>17, if he wants to hump Coreans that's his decision
< `∀´> you think I consenting? you deny again the violation of Corea
Why are the Koreans so dumb they can't even write the name of their own country? Are their schools so horrible they can't even afford English teachers who have learned the language from native speakers?
You imply that the speech-disabled are not valid language users and equate muteness with stupidity.
what's wrong with being stupid, fuck-face?
what's wrong with being fuck-faced, stupid?
what's so fuck-faced about being wrong, prime-number poster-boy?
what's so prime about numbering poster-boys, wrong-number-face-fuck?
what poster fucked numbers of boys in their prime about-face stand-at-ease stand-easy fall-out 0900 hours quick-march all-clear all-quiet-on-the-western-front sergeant-major sir?
>>26 broke the thread. I can't even parse that. I tried to run it through Babelfish but all that came out was "fuckhead."
'The strength of the thread does not reside in the fact that some one fibre runs through its whole length, but in the overlapping of many fibres.'[1]
[1] Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
Unlike Wittgenstein (and, apparently, unlike >>26). >>27 uncritically adopts a prevalent cultural assumption that every proposition has to have a definite meaning.
Can't find a good meme to perpetuate.
Here you go again with your goddamn "original thought" fetish. Just give it a rest already.
Here you go again with your goddamn "Here you go again with your goddamn "original thought" fetish. Just give it a rest already." fetish. Just give it a rest already.
Here you go again with your goddamn "recursive parroting" fetish. Just give it a rest already.
My pronouns are I, me, and myself, you pre-singularity cretin.
You just had to be one of those people who read Epimenides' paradox and took it seriously, eh.