is this a good idea y/n (3)

1 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5332 20:38

I would suddenly change into a human version of a Queen Ant, where when I wanted to screw many males I could screw many males because I was huge, my body was huge and long and agile, and I had ten-thousand holes, ten-thousand cunts. And all the males I wanted, I could physically have, and maybe even have all at the same time, and they would likely all want me back because there would be so few females, so what other choice would many of the guys have? And I could spend every day and night just loving and feeling, feeling and loving. Except for breathing, eating, excreting...

2 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5332 20:53

Write about it on ASSTR or something.

3 This post sucked.

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