(ミ ・ิД・ิ) I have a Secret Plan to end the war in Viet Nam.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) I am not a crook
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Aroo!
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Aroo!
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) It's not illegal if the president does it.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) So anyway, we opened up the panda crate, and wouldn't you know it, the damned thing's dead. Upchugged it's bamboo! True story
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) The Democrats are out to get me! Someone go bug their offices, will you?
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) I have a dream
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) My wife Pat has a fine republican cloth coat.
(ミ・ิД・ิ)I'm not the same Nixon! I'm the nex Nixon, tanned, rested and ready for action.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) I'm keeping Checkers.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Only I could go to China.
/ 支\
( `ハ´) <It is true le.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) I didn't live a thousand years and travel a quadrillion miles to look at another man's gizmo!
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) You don't mess with the big boys!
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] cat; [expletive deleted] shouldn't [expletive deleted] nuke the [expletive deleted] Chinese [expletive deleted] and those [expletive deleted]. [expletive deleted] naptime already [expletive deleted]?
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Vote Robot Nixon 2008.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Aroo!
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Birth control, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon's back again!
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) This thread is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Yorba Linda owns.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) I'm meeting you halfway, you stupid hippies!
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Now, this is one thing I want. I want a Goddamn strong
statement on mittens. Can I get that out of this
sonofabitching, uh, Elitist Superstructure?
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) I gotta go shove a tentacle into everyone in China.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Someone in this room...
( ・ิД・ิ) ...is a JEW!
( ゚ ヮ゚) hahaha, >>26 is dumb to know the difference between China and Japan. Lets all point and laugh.
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Up in the sky, ten miles high; a man stands above the city; he will destroy. Built from airplane parts, his propeller spins as he thinks to himself, "I will destroy these people, for if I can't walk among them, then I will walk the world alone. There will be a fire in the sky, and YOUR DOOM WILL RAIN DOWN!"
There will be a tombstone with 'The Planet Earth' engraved on it.
\ / / ̄ ̄/ヽ::::::::/ o
| ゙̄ヽ、 | ,,-─'''''"""" ̄,,-ヾ、l| ̄ ̄"''l" ||::::::/ |/
ヽ、;;;;:::::゙ヽ、 | / □[二]兩_ヾ|| .┌┤ ||::::| |/
| ゙'''ヽ、::::゙ヽ、 | .l .| 「L[]‐'":;;-‐''l ̄ .||. |::::| ||::::| o
Idiot... | ゙'o、;;;:゙'':| l .|,|,,,-‐、o‐'∧__∧ノ口<l || |::::| ||:::::| |/
You quoted |‐-------‐' ゙''' 、-'' | ヽ、 ( ) || |::::| ||::::::| |/
The wrong | ,,,,,,, | ,,,, ̄ ( >>30 )<l .|| _ ̄| ||::::<
post! | ,,,-''''''''" | ヽ ""'' | | ,,-‐、 ゙,ノ //::::::::| ・
>,,-''" l| ゙ヽ、 (_、___) // /  ̄ ll //::::::::::| ・
| /:| ゙"'''‐----‐'" | .| ..:l .//::::::::::::ヽ ・
| ヽヽ-'''" _,,,‐'" | | ....:::::::、/::::::::::::::::\
| ,,,、-─'''"‐'" | |_:;;;;-''"::::::::::::::::::::::::::゙ヽ、
/  ̄ ̄ / ̄,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
./\ ,,-‐'''"‐:::... ,,‐" |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
/ '':::゙ヽ、 ''" ,,‐'"/ / |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Rah Rah Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) Christ knows he's nobody's jew.
( __ )
( ・∀・) < I came to warn you all that this thread sucks!
(つ つ
| | |
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) "You know, it's a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing Marijuana is Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob? What is the matter with them? I suppose it is because most of them are psychiatrists."
(ミ ・ิД・ิ) The defense of freedom is everybody's business.
✌(ミ ・ิつ・ิ)✌