Hm, this is very strange!
I can't seem to find it anywhere!
It's right over here, next to Reno.
Is it in Europe?
Just look for the dragons.
Wait...Japan is a continent, right?
It is the one that is KAWAII.
I found it!!!
marks the location with a pin
Ok I accidentally covered it, but it's within the width of the pin, just trust me ok?
I think I just found it, using internet technology!!!,15.0571&sspn=49.4787,126.004&ie=UTF8&v=2.2&cv=4.3.7204.0836&hl=en&ei=VsxuSJvGKIbeogP3zI3RBg&cd=6&cid=52345095,5624134,1982812753732349311&li=lmd&t=h&ll=52.362183,5.612297&spn=0.108602,0.300751&z=12&iwloc=A
It can't be in China, they don't use the latin characters to spell Japan.
I knew it, it's in America. Look for the state that starts with a J.
New Jer errr JAPAN!
Aha! Found it!