I'm so DQN I shit Grandpa threads.
100 %
this is the first time I've opened this board on 4-ch. Therefore I am not DQN.
My initials are DQN.
I'm sorry, I'm VIP, not DQN. It would seem that I am lost here.
This is my first day on 4ch... hence, first day on DQN. What does DQN stand for, anyway?
I'm DQN enough to know where to find Japanese fatgirl porn at all times.
I'm more DQN than my CyberHome CH-DVD 300 DVD player.
I'm so DQN whenever I hear people talking I go up to them and I say "Do you really want extra sauce"?
Well, there's the closet full of mittens.
I'm so DQN I had the patience to wait THIS long to post in your thread. THIS long.
I'm so DQN I post in bumped threads, thus encouraging this behavior in the future.
I'm so DQN you don't even know.
I'm so DQN, ∵ po∵∴∵ ∵∴∵w∴∵∴ ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴a
I'm so DQN I shit Clonepas.
Im so DQN that i have emergency mittens for such an emergency.
I prepared a fancy hearing cake for my sister's wedding and I was the only one who enjoyed eating it.
I'm so DQN that I use it as my tripcode.
I'm not DQN. It's only thanks to my thankless efforts that this whole place don't fall apart.
I'm so DQN that I'm made out of ELITE SUPERSTRUCTURE.
I'm so DQN I crap bigger than that Pax-Tsukuru.
I'm so DQN that my tripcode IS DQN!