ITT we talk about the previous poster's mother (26)

1 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5497 00:47

She is a Panda.

2 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5497 00:51

She is really his father.

3 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5497 02:30

I fucked her last night

4 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5497 02:49

She is the mother of a real comedian

5 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5497 07:59

She doesn't know what is up with airline food, either.

6 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5497 08:01

She makes great flapjacks.

7 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5497 10:57

She was a hamster.

8 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5497 22:41

She married a man who smelled of elderberries.

9 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5498 03:38

She is >>10

10 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5498 04:40

She will be contacted by me and informed of her son's nasty habits.

11 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5498 06:32

I delivered a rather big UPS package to her, as I was lugging it to her living room, she was nice enough to offer me a brownie she handmade (with mittens! ( ˃ ヮ˂). They were so good I slipped practically the whole tray of it into my bag while she wasn't looking. I felt bad because as I was sneaking out I noticed by looking at the party signs stating that it was their anniversary.

Poor bastard could have used some really high quality imported and expensive ingredients. I never forgot her even to this day.

12 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5498 18:19

She is ugly.

13 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5499 03:49

she's as lame as his son

14 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5499 04:56

She is mai waifu

15 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5499 06:01

>>14 Doesn't have one because I killed her, hahahaha (my evil laugh)

16 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5499 12:29

>>15 She carries out and is w.

17 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5501 05:31

She's flying out to see me in 3 weeks. I haven't seen her in 11 months ;_;

18 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5501 05:40

>>17 She tastes thoroughly and is ♪

19 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5517 22:39

She belongs in the "ITT we make fun of the previous poster's weight" thread.

20 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8782 19:27

.      @ ⌒⌒⌒ @
     マ 〜 〜 〜 マ
     ( ∫‘  エ  ‘∫ ) She's a native Australian.
    (   `〜 〜´   )
  ∈( (         ) )∋
   ( (          ) )
    ( (        ) )
     ` w‐″゛ーw  '

21 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8782 19:29

She is the unfortunate mother of a filthy necrobumper.

22 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8782 20:16

She's a lovely lady and a fantastic fuck.

23 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8783 08:36

She insulted my mother!

24 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8783 19:28

She's my mother.

25 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8783 19:44

She's like a bus. She gots salarimen riding her all day long.

26 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8785 17:43

She picks her scabs and keeps them in a baggy and chews on them and sometimes offers them to the person sitting next to her on the bus

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