thsdi is probanpy t hyer hyardesty thuinbge ver tr, but itsd funh!
mi9tonb ga suki
i dontr hsve mittends on me righjt now so i gsave to saimuilate the ewfdfect by niot spreasing fingfertsd
lol fhgts i amgod klekeke uninassra masnse
( ゚ -゚) Wait WHA?? We're allowed to participate in Elitist Superstructure activities without mittens? Then what the fuck are the emergency mittens for?
bumpinfg z mitten threasd
aws tryore bgjaqse sartew bhmweljoinbgh rtop uysd
My mittens have a flap that let me poke my fingers out!
I type ntlikre ntjhisd nwejej nthete nnot nopen ntough
I sjay whty efvaer edxpoise mhy fdingerts to ther woirld.,
IL hadn to chfgeart a birt: typing rhr captchja wass impossiblöe ith trhese on.
kliokl mjiottgwernsd
I dsom't have NY MITTENS so ~I juyst tapoed my fk gers togetherb. Ibtb thni nk ig loses so e of tje challendge, bute it;s atkll fun!@
fgkjdscjuakkgudnacuxin;'';'; lkalewriueek ar ygbds km asdjhmtdrhegtester
vcarailatisn sd on as thewmew!!@
I;'m liateninfg tro the Whitwe Stripwes s io type ymnisa;l plwsasa dsom't dismiss kme S HJPSTER GARBEWSHE!@
I tied playoinmg thhje pianpo wwith theswe opn. Shhhould'v eytried a trombone iansteads.,
IU kjuast trhjink hjisa ysar ios gpoiongh to bvew thje bewast yware ever. AM FULL. OFD GLWEW!!
yay i actually just recievwed my usbpowered mitrtens and they are really one of my best buy ever, and actuallyu rather easdtty to type with ;D;D;D;D;D;D mittens! npw tsda getra that captcha.... ._.
It's actuwally not that hsard to type with mitterns on if you have a dercent-sipzed standard keyboard. Deqpending on the sizre ofg the mittens, though. Gvloves are aklmost iumpossdible, of course.
I managed to type trhis rea;litively error free, howeever it took me a;lmost 5 minutes. The key is to opress down very slowly in the exact middle of the desired key.,
i lökovre mny< mn,iuthtensd
I culd probeal type veery clewarlyt wigth m irtrtewn sonb but i like the eggeyc it gives by beig as little more carelsse.
ity';s a hgood thinbg Im already tyupedm trhe veriofiucsatyion code.
poirgramming iosd vceryu hjastrdf weoitrh mitrternms opn/.
well i dont have any mittens, but i do have gloves, which i am tyoping wirth tright now, is that acceptable?
Ohdfg god it b öwas hbjaarsd toi ennteer csaptcha
typping withthumbs i thought would be easy but it turns ut not ao much.
the ony mittens i hav e are from when i was 5, so i treid ti type wth thjmbs onl,hy. i don't thikn it com p;ares to typin g with mittens though.
nmoi it cretrasinmlkyx doiesd nmoit
i thuinkm i ovrftdid it
I had fro sell mgy mittens fue tgo some unbdicrtubarwe curcumssfnaces un my lkive/. bI has to wrwp my handas i vthe bATH t opwel.
>Z>356 I recoinmnernd somreyth g like these:
i hsv r no ideza what yiu said thrte
i a,m so ciollkd rioght nnoe i wisu i huad jmitteinjs.
You know, it's really easy to type when you're wearing CONVERTIBLE MITTENS!!!!!!!!
Time ho geht your mihtthennns ot!
Fuki yrayh!
thjat seems loike a graet idfea :.3