I'm sorry I broke DQN
I'm sorry that I farted in Yoshinoya.
I'm sorry that I accidentally saged a really good thread. If only there were a way to turn back time...
>>3 here.
I'm sorry I said the thread was over only a few posts in.
gomen ne por mein mal lingua.
I'm sorry I was ever born.
I'm sorry for not consoling my friend last night as he broke up with his girlfriend.
I'm so sorry for having left without proper notice.
I'm sorry for not attending DQN for two weeks
I'm sorry I'm such a slut.
I'm sorry for coming here from World4ch/4chan; I wish I had come from a place of higher caliber.
I'm sorry for thinking Squeeks was really a camwhore.
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(U( ) I'm so sorry I tried autofellatio.
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I'm sorry that the one chance I had to punch Ira Glass in the face slipped by me unpunched.
i'm sorry for nt using spellc heck
I'm sorry for trying to annihilate the Jews.
I'm sorry for sleeping with a married mother of two, twice. And she was Welsh, though I don't know if that's better or worse...
this is a place of forgiveness, all may be forgiven.
except you, >>26. No punishment will ever be enough.
I'm sorry for always screwing up te same way, all the time.
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(U( ) I'm so sorry for the colors :(
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