i@L_T`j>>2 If it wasn't for us you'd get a wet head, because we're like a hat to you.
i@L_T`jWe can afford our medication, but getting to surgery is almost impossible.
i@L_T`jIt's almost like living in Mexico.
i@L_T`jWithout the "being dead" part.
i@L_T`jBeer and hockey, eh?
i@L_T`jVericode is pothune. ...
i@L_T`jThose Americans are so stupid I bet that if we tell them our capitol building is made out of ice they'll beli- oh wait it is made out of ice
i@L_T`j Eh?
i@M_½LjVive le Québec libre! Vive le Canada français! Et vive la France!
i@L_T`jFrance will never take you back and if you ever did leave Canada I'll be you miss all that money you receive from the Canadian Gov't
(@L_T`jSay, what's this thread aboot, eh?
It would appear, my good man, to be about those cretins from the 13 northern provinces of our fine Republic. It amuses us to allow them to think they are in fact a separate political entity, when in fact they are merely another client state in our Empire. Carry on.
(@L_T`jI can speak french
(@L_T`j<I... still... cannot... speak... French... I... am... very lazy
(@L_T`jThe beaver up here are very friendly, eh? They're like really destructive squirrels, eh?
( L`j Who wants to see my beaver?
(@L_T`jWe had an election too, but we were too busy paying attention to the American election so we don't really know who won.
(@L_T`jI hates the Yankee nation and everything they do.
(@L_T`jI hates the Declaration of Independence too.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_@ @^
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i L_T` j@Canada
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^@ @_
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Ώ Θ@ΘΏ ^PPPPPPPPPP
PPPPPPPP_ ΏΘ ΘΏ_iL_T`j@Canada. Canada.
Canada. @iL_T`j/ b@@@@/@_QQQQQQQQQQ
QQQQQQQQ^ b@@@ q@b@@@b
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /@^__v@/@^_v
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ P@@@@ / ^
Hey Terrance! What did the Spanish priest say to the Ukrainian gynecologist?
I don't know, Phillip.
(@L_T`jTimbits and maple syrup eh?
(@L_T`jI have a confession to make.
(@L_T`jI have no character.
(@L_T`j Or the heart of a freshly-killed seal. But not a baby seal, that would be cruel.
(@L_T`jI wish Morrissey would get off his high horse and come play for us, eh?
(@L_T`jI have a problem with the US government so I take it out on random tourists cars
(@L_T`jMaple trees and syrup, eh?
(@L_T`jketchup flavoured chips, eh?
(@L_T`jwe love immigrants
(@L_T`jGoing to go smoke a bowl, eh?
(@L_T`jWe have superior healthcare, social welfare and sanitation, but will always be known as the less cool neighbours to America, eh?
(@L_T`jIt's true, eh?
(@L_T`jDicks, eh?
This thread is racist.
(@L_T`j Maji, eh?