( E-E) It looks so... cold.
it's also glitchy.
I started typing "under the moon loli to issho", but lost motivation halfway through "under"
It's all slow and clunky.
Everything seems so bleak and pointless. Will I ever make it to 9-9-09?
( -) Aim for 1994, first.
( -) I'm not attractive enough to bike naked this Sunday.
I am sunday. shaitchly so.
Is it just me, or does it look like the site was taken over by 4chan?
It's just you.
Bumping cause I feel like it.
This is a precious gem!
i go on here every now and then still
fixed width banzai
I know where I'm going to spend inordinate amounts of time.
Gentlemen, I'm here to present you my effort to bump this majestic thread because lonely text world of DQN needs your support!
I'd like to invite all of you to live together in the lonely text world!
I did the big billboard just the other day
I wrote my suicide letter in there.
I'm bumping this to make sure everyone on DQN knows about it. Yes, that's right, all five of you!
Let's make beautiful creations together!
t'was a beautiful place
;; It's like watching a studio Ghibli flick ;;
It's choose-your-own-adventure time.
Go to X: ~356, Y:0
Yeah, I have no idea why the area has become so impractically long. Probably better that we just don't continue further at all and enrich the generally desolate area in between. Alternate directions and some degree of choice wouldn't be a bad idea either, now that I think about it
It's getting HOT up north.
Oi tried to explore, but that panda ate me walking stick.
Interesting how linguistic convention inflicts the "left-to-right" habit when given a textual medium. I wonder if Japanese or Jewish users would experience the same phenomenon?
So, have any you of found your way to ttp:// yet?
>>43, yes. It's just that somebody linked to dqndqnlol there which in turn linked to dqndqnlol2, etc. So, I decided to hurry up and built my little shrine of 14.
don't go too far West (also known as Left) or you'll fall off the edge
I cannot keep up with you guys, young dokyuns, so full of life.
Passionately rearrenging the characters. (L֥`)
After exploring the world for a bit I've got an existential question:
Can an anus have a friend? BFF?
I find this to be quite philosophical.
My dear !ESpeoN/nPA, should you take the time to search there are innumerable instances of such depths of meaning, such as the unfathomable "non treasure" of X: -5, Y: -5, or the bizarre claim that a guitar solo could be worse than dying alone and unloved.
I regularly traverse everything in the vicinity of (0;0). The actual phrase is "NOT TREASURE" which is completely different from "non treasure".
( -) >>44 I couldn't find your shrine in /dqndqnlol14. I feel cheated.
Um, somebody else pointed into nowhere. Actually, that little part with the numbers were supposed to be an altar. You know, it was the same sort of thing that those Japanese perverts construct out of panties and other perverted stuff! It just covered with others' posts.
Ack, the text world has been so overloaded with information my browser now runs at a horrid pace.
Woe is me!
Try switching browser. For me it runs really slowly on chrome but it's fine on firefox.
jesus loves me .
Hehe, the quarantine. I remember that. I was the one who built the perimeter and the sign. Some other DQN made the plague though.
I thought I was stuck in that world of text forever, but I finally got out! I just had to close my browser window.