[World Travel] Christopher Columbus' worst nightmare. [Exploration] (4)

1 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5859 07:26

uI sure don't want to fucking fall off the Edge of the World right now v
@@@@@@@ ΘΘQ___@@
@@@@@ ^i,,ί„Dί) ^_ ``````
@``^|PΎΎP|_^ @@@@@@@@` R
@@@@@ |.@@@@@ |^ ``` ``R@)@@bR@B@@@R
``````````````_ RR@@B@@ί

2 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5859 13:07

@ iQQj@@@
@i QQ j@@@@
@i@EΝEj@ƒ My name is Squeeks and I been to Paris, Wellington, and Amsterdam,
@i‚@@ ‚@@@With the wham-bam, merci, danke, thanking you ma'm!
@b b@|@@@@@

3 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5860 04:03

uI don't mind falling if it'll lead me to India v
@@@@@@@ ΘΘQ___@@
@@@@@ ^i,,ί„Dί) ^_ ``````
@``^|PΎΎP|_^ @@@@@@@@` R
@@@@@ |.@@@@@ |^ ``` ``R@)@@bR@B@@@R
``````````````_ RR@@B@@ί

4 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5860 11:37

@@@@@@@@@uHello? Are you an Indian? v
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘΘQ___@@
@ ƒΓ@ά́܁Ŕ@@@@^iί„Dί,,) ^_
@i @@( @EƒΦEj@@^|PΎΎP|_^ @
@@‚΅[ ‚΅„Ÿ‚i@@@@@|.@@@@@ |^@
Ha ha, get a load
of this moran.@
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