itt, gtype with yournose lony -- no hanjds allowed
i assume captchas dont ount. hey this is easy.
j n9o.t on qa h gbuckloing swpring kl43e7yb oAR D
my nose isb kinda big,i8 w2onder idf this worksa
i'm typing "pokémon" so i can show off how great macs are. i had to use my tonguebfor the alt key thoiugh. pretty easy! haha even an exclamation mark.
d0n't liick thew keyboard, silly.
qyhj9w3 9iw 500 big
io['m ju3ew28iwyt wq9 5 yhi88888888888sw iiissssssssssssssssss yhaqredl.
m n9p[phrbnyuouijnhfdry tg kiffv
ohg go0d whyat ami doinhg'?
why did i do this
Over 9000 hours cross-eyed\
OWW my eyews
ca0tcha is exsache
oy bgd the captcha will br hard
am i doing it/ my keyboard smels weird
fgkjh oiepasd vvc rfew rtghailsatandkspf[
fbucdki byomu fuyyts
god damn fags holy shit im getting the hang of this
rie bkugimiya isbmynwaifu and mykybard is warm
iqj ol9t645qoo7 bt908n to this
ifeel dso fuckinfg stupid
this ids so kool;
ii amkj do0ing this while my roo mste sleeps.
i wishy i could nof vfinidshed thdtb sentencr eith an exclsmdetyion point.
thid redefines hunt and pecjk.
it's not that hard
I8 w9nhder4 23wyhats for dinner.l..
hey, I think I've gtot5 thhe hang of this
i;'m, homnorede bthat my thgreade is still activfe
my keygoard smells fujnny, i wonjhder if it smerlls much liike >>19's
fucfki9jtg captchqa tok forever
jy cfswepvhaa wadsb yorfish
what die ..36 just say/
tyiwb iis not nwearly as difficult as i thoiyugfhgt itt would be
iwan t nswe bmitterns
pu j0foryhe sonhjggwrohngsggggggggggggggggsw offff a nhbapoms
if i loookimg for frog, him name s hopkin green frog
thgis lookssillyb i hoe bnkoobodyy notices
mr.43, 0y if only you had groucho marx mask...
ib kieep- my kec ybh 0oqar4e sw4599o4e aqnjed swp0t6loeesss!
tupôung with mose on an iphone
hyuh, how did that get there/?
..52 what the on erth ARE YOU TRYING TP SAY?
how do you make angle brackets
easy to do this with laptop
pPunctations are a chall enge?"
obg gode vi cant stop nlaughing!
chin workexd... 1z11za`!
98i aqkkkkkkkkmk a littole ttttipsy right now
wsoo i got nthe hang of it i'd probably bew good at nosejobgsw if such a thing exists
89t6 bjk7w56 gb34 jk0943br0954 u342sw
I totally fail.
a laptop is somewhaqt diffricult