litening to liberal talk shows while high is crazy shit
I just dropped approximately 30 mg of caffeine in a single serving of Earl Grey.
I have attained Zen.
Drugs are bad you shouldnt do drugs dont drugs do bad
Well shit.
i'm high as a kite on 10 mg dextromorphan and 100 mg guaifenesin
oh yeaaaah coff
I spent halloween at my friends flat dressed up. we weren't partying but we were drinking and we had ecstasy. then we got baked all today
i've just done 8 shots of vodka, but nothing else I need to study
muslims cant enjoy life without the amazing benefits of ham and beer
Listening to Fox News while high is fucking scary.
I'm suffering from sleep deprivation. I'm also drinking coffee.
i'm still halfway asleep after 17 hours of sleep. i hate myself for not getting up in the morning. as soon as i got some beer i'll post again.
I do lots of drugs but I still love nutmeg even though it seems to be mocked a lot
I just had laxatibves and weed
Cocoa is my drug.
I went to a party last night but I was 3 weeks early, I misunderstood. I got twatted anyway
This Vicodin is making me crazy. Maybe this is why House is such a dick.
Hooray for mephedrone! Absolutely amazing night last night, everyone was loved up and partied all night, but I kept going today at work too, as I prepared burgers in McDonalds. I've not felt even the slightest pang of fatigue in the last 40 hours
Tried out afghan black yesterday evening the first time. To be honest, the myths about it are bullshit, i prefer good ol' AK-47.
uhhh I had some caffeine, and an ambien to go to sleep!
42 hours I've been awake now, as I did quite a lot of mephedrone last night. Right now I'm tripping balls! Mainly from the sleep deprivation though. I'm very aware of a well dressed man running backwards up a set of stone steps to a fountain, right beside my head. In actual fact it is a brickwork pattern on a Belle & Sebastian tour poster, playing tricks out the corner of my eye
Dank is my lungs.
Antibiotics for my illness >_<
I just had a cup of coffee.... and I feel great. Sure you can go through! Are you in a hurry?
I should try sleep deprivation at some point... although I really do love my sleep. I slept 7 hours today, then napped for an hour an hour later. It was ace.
>>29 Funnily enough as you typed that I was about 46 hours through a 52 hour bubbles and ecstasy binge. Really horrible comedown :( I thought the description and example was a message from the site owners and said Shit! The dictionary's closing down!
>/ˈðeə.fɔːr/ us
>for that reason:
>We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.