ITT We Say "bumsex" 14 times (7)

4 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9539 13:47

"I think I just heard some bumsex through the wall!" I furtively giggled to my homegirl after hearing some bumsex through the wall.
"Bumsex?" she looked at me as if I had bumsex on the brain. "As in anal intercourse? Like bumsex bumsex? I never heard any bumsex."
"Yeah baby I'm sure the Greek couple next door are having bumsex right now."
"I've heard Greek people are really into their bumsex."
"Well I know she likes her bumsex but I don't think it would be right to say it has anything to do with her Greekness..."
"I also heard that Greek people like to keep their bums exceptionally clean."
"That's good, when it comes to bumsex I like all girls' bums except dirty ones."
"Ohh yeah now I hear it, yeah that sounds like bumsex!"

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