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I would pay 2000 people to regularly browse 4-ch.
>>14 Thats why we hand pick and screen each person we choose to browse.
I would get a Japanese BBW to be my girlfriend.
This isn't the necrobump thread. BANISHED TO THE TANSINN CHAMBER!
I would commision mousepad.moe to create a Hayama Miyabi mousepad.
Why commission anybody when you can become the greatest mousepad tycoon alive!
I would fund a study to determine the qualities of a great mousepad.
I would buy every three-letter .lol domain and redirect them all to https://dqn.dqn.lol/
and also buy dqn.lol and a wildcard https certificate
I would spend a few days daydreaming about all of the wild and fun and creative and mostly perverse things I could do, how it could change my life, and how I could be loved or important or safe or respected and enjoy everything. Then I'd give it to one of those organizations that's good at keeping people from dying.
I don't think it's really so strange or remarkable to want people I've never met to survive, even if it's not a fashionably modern sentiment.
Retire, and spend the rest of my days at my computer, amassing an ever expanding harem of PVC wives and rubber concubines to keep me company.