>>1 holds the record for cooking the most ramen while in the nude.
>>2 is panda who holds the record for most tails, due to a physical deformity.
haha op were you just watching that bonkers thing
>>4 Caused the biggest meth lab explosion while trying to get high.
>>11 is the least convincing crossdresser the world has ever seen.
>>12 Created a Mega Man fan game where all the weapons are worse than the top spin and charge kick.
>>14 doesn't care that he is the most ignorant person of the century.
>>16 Created the longest list of bad video game ideas. The only good thing about the list is that there are no movies or TV shows on it, because when a video game is based on a movie or TV show, it usually is crappy.
>>17's hard drive contains the largest number of started-then-"I'll finish it later" projects in the world.
>>21 has been rickrolled the greatest number of times.
(Do people even do that sort of thing any more?)
>>22 tastes more thorougly and is more ♫ than anyone else living today.
>>23 has been under the moon with the greatest number of lolis.
>>24's weak gaming skills mean that Guile has told him to go home and be a family man the greatest number of times.
>>26 has achieved the most meme density per post back in his imageboard days.
>>27 has used the word "ironic" incorrectly more times than any other person ever.
>>32 forwarded the most chain emails, and has been visited by and replied to the most such image memes. (Their fortune has been average.)
>>33 is the one that tasted the shit of other people the most in the world.