junk bento (23)

18 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6871 22:05

ah, well, if that's your question

It appears most people who do work this detailed use itty bitty scissors or x-acto blades and (of course) the kinds of nori that don’t flake up if you so much as look at them funny (yes, there are different kinds of nori, and dryness matters as well). e.g. http://tenpoundstaff.ti-da.net/c163444.html, scroll down to where it says 小さいはさみが便利 (“small scissors are convenient”) for an example of what I mean by itty bitty (I think scissors that size are usually used by florists?).

Some such artists process their nori e.g. with agar to make it easier.

Then there’s the matter of repeatedly trying until you get something useable. Because sometimes there’s no other way.

Also, those Pokéballs are making me really want some insalata Caprese, bento style or not.

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