( ί ί) Optimism!
( ί ί) Never upgrading any GNOME packages past 1.21.2, when GDM still had all the options on the window.
( ί ί) Statically-linked programs!
( ί ί) ROYGBIV by Boards of Canada
( ί ί) Bis!
( ί ί) I got to experience bij!
( ί ί) Meeting a trap!
( ί ί) Avoiding a trap!
( ί ί) Cuddling in bed with my girlfriend while we re-watch NGE!
( ί ί) An exciting new book!
( ί ί) Playing Super Hostile Legendary with your girlfriend!
( ί ί) exams over! one month of FUN
( ί ί) Having a girlfriend who doesn't enjoy anime!
( ί ί) I am so done with that shit!
( ί ί) Having a girlfriend who does enjoy anime!
( ί ί) I am am so starting with that shit!
( ί ί) Having had a girlfriend who liked anime, but breaking up before it became too annoying!
( ί ί) Having neither a girlfriend nor a distinct opinion about anime! I'm full of pure freedom and open-mindedness!
( ί ί) Having a girlfriend who is from anime!
( ί ί) Having or not having a girlfriend! Enjoying or not enjoying anime!
( ί ί) Being an anime's girlfriend.
( ί ί) Being!
( ί ί) Doing!
( ί ί) 3.59 miles in 35'21 minutes, while it was snowing!
( ί ί) Being gifted ten gigs of music from a friend!
( ί ί) Going on a trip to Portland tomorrow!
( ί ί) JIZUE!
( ί ί) Email!
( ί ί) Friends!
( ί ί) Tokiko is going to get murdered!
( ί ί) Dreaming about espeons on a beautiful spring day!
( ί ί) Reading about organic chemistry when sleep deprived!
( ί ί) It should be painfully unpleasant, but for some reason I'm positively euphoric!
( ί ί) MITTENS!
( ί ί) heroin
( ί ί) NOS energy drinks!
( ί ί) Posting on 4-ch for the first time in like a month!
( ί ί) Making a hat for myself!
@@@@ @@@@ ,
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@@ @ ²Έί ίΙi New Costume!
@@@ @jty'cj
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( ί ί) Hopefully new pokemon generation will bring some new eevee evolutions! Or probably second evolutions for existing ones! Ah, I can imagine a mighty bloodthirsty beast with the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away... WITH MIND BULLETS!
( ί ί) Living in a first world country!
( ί ί) Building a drawer, a bedside table, and a bookcase!
( ί ί) Warm socks on a cold winter day!
( ί ί) Building the same as >>341 in Dwarf Fortress!! And climbing on a steep learning slope is fun too!
Ch1 - http://www.fakku.net/manga/sei-so-tsui-dan-sha-chapter-01-uncen-english
Ch2 - http://www.fakku.net/manga/sei-so-tsui-dan-sha-chapter-02-uncen-english
Ch3 - http://www.fakku.net/manga/sei-so-tsui-dan-sha-chapter-03-uncen-english
Ch4 - http://www.fakku.net/manga/sei-so-tsui-dan-sha-chapter-04-uncen-english
Ch5- http://www.fakku.net/manga/sei-so-tsui-dan-sha-chapter-05-uncen-english
Ch6- http://www.fakku.net/manga/sei-so-tsui-dan-sha-chapter-06-final-uncen-english
( ί ί) Text adventure games that have thought of everything.
( ί ί) A 90% on a quiz!!!
( ί ί) A hot meal on a cold winter evening!
( ί ί) Getting over a cold!
( ί ί) Sniper Rifles.
( ί ί) Getting work done!
( ί ί) Having no work to do!
( ί ί) Having work to do, but putting off for an infinite amount of time!
( ί ί) Traveling by bus for the first time to another state to visit a friend!
( ί ί) Welp, I'm off!
( ί ί) Hazuki!
( ί ί) Historical Linguistics!
( ί ί) Successful experiments!
( ί ί) Homemade chocolate turtles from the local school board member.
That's actually a morbidly depressing insight into the amount of personal information we apparently have absolutely no control over
( ί ί) Hella!
( ί -ί) I can't see that as anything but intrusive and a little creepy.
( ί ί) Voyeurism!
>>362 a lot of that seemed kinda staged, not all of it, but some of it smelled like corporate forced viral video
( @ @) PENISES
( ❅ ❄) ☃☃☃☃☃☃
( E-E) My work here is done.
( ί ί) Defeating the final boss, after many failed attempts!
( ί ί) Sleeping with your boss!
( ί ί) Blackmailing your boss!
( ί ί) Emailing your black boss!
( ˃ ˂) Being the boss of a black person!
( ί ί) Being a black boss!
( ί ί) Being a boss and defeating the player character several times in a row!
( ί ί) Finding a well-seeded torrent of Boss Nigger!
( ί ί) Realizing that I can watch NHK any time on the top of their site?
( ί ί) Quintuple posting!
( ί ί) Having a big lower lip and small hollow eyes!
( ί ί) ECCO & DQN
( ί ί) Building a new computer from spare parts!
( ί ί) LEGO 10231 Shuttle Expedition! Oh, I can't wait until tomorrow to start building it!
( ί ί) Failing at a computer game, but enjoying it anyway!
( ί ί) Clonepa's singing butt songs again!
( ί ί) Enka!
( ί ί) Tenga!
( ί ί) Enya!
( ί ί) Dogola!
( ί ί) Firefox for Android! Hi guys!
( ί ί) Having eight whole lines of code you wrote be in an operating system used by millions!
( ί ί) Discovering Japanese culture, namely anime and manga!