( ί ί) Optimism!
( ί ί) Pot stickers for dinner!
( ί ί) rainy day with tea!
( ί ί) I have 2 more cans of Pringles!
( ί ί) A warm jacket in a cold library!
( ί ί) Genuinely loving and caring for your friends!
( ί ί) Jam sessions!
( ί ί) tearing into a whole cooked chicken with your bare hands like a caveman!
( ί ί) Taking drugs!
( ί ί) Pink sunrises!
( ί ί) I'm going to buy caramel creams tomorrow
( ί ί) A hot bath with tea!
( ί ί) Hitting every Green Light on a drive!
( ί ί) And then not being caught by the police for destruction of public property!
( ί ί) It tastes thoroughly and is τ.
( ί ί) Found another tenner in an old pair of pants!
( ί ί) Hillary gone be presmident!
( ί ί) Race war!
( ί ί) A Trump sticker on a Ford truck in Spicsville, USA
( ί ί) My code worked on the first try!
( ί ί) Sweater weather!
( ί ί) Fall is here!
( ί ί) Smooth jazz!
( ί ί) raga music
( ί ί) I'm not quite as dead inside as I was yesterday!
( ί ί) Shedding the blood of the Saxon men!
( ί ί) Big fat Touhou boobs!
( ί ί) Making anime real again!
( ί ί) Hillary will never be president!!
( ί ί) I spent the whole night electrified in my chair knowing that cute girl I think of every day is sitting right behind me but I'm too shy to speak to her, and then she comes over to ask me out! Delightful!
( ί ί) >>540 That's awesome! I saw them again a few weeks ago, aren't they great!
( ί ί) >>541 Wow, I wasn't expecting you to read that post! Thanks for getting me into a really awesome band!! It was their first show in my country (Ireland) in 10 years so i'm glad I didn't miss it!
( ί ί) It's getting crowded in here!
( ί ί) Big fat Muchi Muchi Pork boobs!
>>542 Aw that's great! They came to Glasgow the day the football was on, and so the streets were full of men in full kilts, I wonder if they thought that's just how we dress here haha.
( ί ί) The breeze around your balls when you're wearing a kilt!
( ί ί) Oh bring me some figgy newtons
( ί ί) Oh bring me some figgy newtons
( ί ί) Oh bring me some figgy newtons
( ί ί) And I'll eat them right here!
( ί ί) Working out and sticking with it!
( ί ί) Improving yourself because nobody else'll do it for ya!
( ί ί) Learning a new language.
( ί ί) Skipping work and browsing DQN instead.
( ί ί) Baby animals playing!
( ί ί) lemon drizzle cake!
( ί ί) Breaking £5000 for the first time!
A sexy chick selfie, anyone ? http://i.imgur.com/PNu6goT.jpg
( ί ί) It's not as humid outside as I expected!
>>558 That is/was a man...
( ί ί) Trans friends confident in their bodies!
( ί ί) Introducing a geriatric who learned on manual typewriters to Cherry keyswitches!
( ί ί) Expecting packages!
I love kitties!!!
( ί ί) Maybe one day I'll draw a cute witch in a lab coat!
( ί ί) Free candies!
( ί ί) If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.
( ί ί) Liberating all beings on all conceivable planes of being, whether they have perception or no perception, whether they have neither perception nor no perception, while not creating the perception of a being, a self, a life, or a soul!
( ί ί) The Pillows! Al Green! Coltrane! Weed! Booze! Responsibilities! Helping my Friends! That quantum noise is the universe laughing simply because it exists! Being so happy i can't help but jisaku jien in the dead of the night!
( ί ί) Making my earl grey tea just right!
( ί ί) Sleeping over at a friends' house!
( ί ί) /img/ is gone!
( ί ί) Getting dicked down!
( ί ί) Appropriate weather for mittens!
( ί ί) Wishing for world clean!
( ί ί) Building a Big Beautiful Wall!
( ˃ ˂) MAGA!
( ί ί) Girugamesh!
( ί ί) There are still Liruposters somewhere on this planet!
( ί ί) I remembered a messageboard I posted on ten years ago and went to see if it was still around, and it was active!
( ί ί) Aki-ya in depopulating rural prefectures!
( ί ——— ί) It's free real estate.
( ί ί) No Collusion!
( ί ί) No Obstruction!
( ί ί) Joe Biden felt me up in public!
( ί ί) Fudge Covered Mint Oreos!
( ί ί) Joe Biden upskirted me with his shoecam!
( ί ί) Joe Biden's left eye sprayed blood on me at high pressure!
( ί ί) I saw a cute little girl today!
( ί ί) Candy discount after Halloween!
( ί ί) Snow everywhere is good to ski in!
( ί ί) Candy discount after Christmas!
i@OΝOjStuffed my face with too many wasabi peas last night and spewed my ringer all night! Yes! I love to spew!
( ί ί) I ordered 10 chicken nuggets and got 11!
( ί ί) Bullshitted an essay and passed!
( ί ί) funny captcha!
( ί ί) It was just a weird looking mole!
( ί ί) Stuck in this fucking apartment.
( ί ί) I've become more productive with this quarantine.
( ί ί) I found a way
( ί ί) I had a great time on the 10,000th of September, that was a lot of fun!
`(◠‿◠✿) I really did just gremember dancing in Septemberh