Eldar are stupid pansies
Emperor is a dying asshole in a box.
I hate being stuck in a lane with Elise of all people.
Everyone sucks.
ellipses are annoying
Easter is a boring holiday and has the worst candy.
Eudaimonia doesn't exist except as an idea
Evil is a bad thing.
Entropy just screws everything up for me.
Emacs combines the user-unfriendliness of an old-school text editor with frivolous bloat and cruft worthy of a modern product.
I like to compare Enterprise JavaBeans to that coffee which is literally shat out by trained monkeys.
Ethanol added to gasoline is bullshit.
Eclipse is a dumb IDE.
The Eleventh Doctor is too childish. It makes him unbelievable and uncomfortably reminds me that I'm watching a kids' show.
Europe is the lamest continent
Elmo isn't even one of the better Sesame Street characters.
Exams are stressful and unpleasant.
Erectile Dysfunction makes me feel limp.
Entertainment these days has degraded into sexual jokes.
Eroge are boring
Electricity is both expensive and invisible. What's next? Am I going to have to pay for air?
Every man is evil yes, every man is a liar.
Ergo Proxy is lame because uh... Re-l is a stupid name!
Errors are ruining my fucking life, man!
Euphemisms are just a way of beating around the bush rather than saying what you mean.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid takes way too long to say.
Enema porn is shitty porn.
Entity relationship diagrams are a big pile of shit.
This erection has done nothing but cause trouble for the both of us.
The endocannabinoid system sounds like somewhere spock would live.
"Eh?" is the most retarded version of "Excuse me?" or a blatant "What did you say?" that I've ever heard. It makes me ponder the possibilities of extracting carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and precious metals from a human body in the most energy-efficient way.
Entomology kind of bugs me.
Emulators don't feel the same as using the actual console.
Elevators are often slow and enable people to stay overweight.
Endangered species just aren't evolving fast enough.
Extra sauce on a dish that already has plenty of sauce, ordered for the sole reason of saying "extra sauce" out loud.
Elijah is a SHITTY name for biblical HIPSTERS
I hate myself. Pretentious wannabe, ignoramus and nincompoop.
Everyone in this thread is a huge lame faggot.
Enjoyment is overrated
Earth is a shitty planet full of garbage and worthless people and I hope an advanced alien civilization nukes it from space.
Electricity is a myth designed to get our cash. Have you ever seen it? Oh, yeah, you've seen SPARKS. Like that proves anything. I've seen an UFO, does it prove that aliens exist? Electricity is a blatant lie for gullible people.
E. Coli acts like a cute and innocent little gut flora, but as soon as it senses weakness...BAM! Urinary tract infection!
E. Coli eats shit.
Elves are the worst of the Tolkien inspired fantasy races in books and games.
Since when did being eccentric have anything to do with monetary wealth?
Oh fuck, man. Don't get me started on the elves. Those sleek metrosexual faggots always depicted as some arrogant borderline immortal smartasses with superquick reflexes. And that spans beyond Tolkien! Fucking forest Mary Sues. Personally, I'd axe every last one of them down.
I too would like to gas every elf and burn down their forests.
Elderly Elven Elvis ERPers Essentially Espouse Extreme Evil
E: EVERYTHING that isn't communism sucks!!!
re: eccentrics, it's because if you're poor, you're not eccentric, you're just weird.
Wealth redistribution is the answer. Am I right, comrade? Marx was right!