What are you listening to? [CONTENTLESS][MUSIC] (599)

112 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9104 12:07

>>111 Depends what you mean.
For example, is anything with a female vocalist "cute", or does the content of the lyrics matter also?

Does a song even need lyrics to be denpa, or is having an instrumental track that feels dissociated and frenetic and alien-like enough? If so then there's eg most of Pigmhall.

Can non-Japanese music be denpa, at least "in spirit"? Some of the best denpa songs weren't made with the intention of being denpa, they just kind of turned out that way. If so then Oingo Boingo comes to mind with their frequent combination of upbeat instrumentals and disturbing and/or darkly humorous lyrics (Only a Lad, Dead Man's Party, Little Girls, etc)

>to say it's not a kind of Japanese pop music isn't simplifying it, it's just... false?

It's not pop music because it isn't "popular", you'll never see it on the billboard top 40 or hear it playing in an elevator or whatever. If we agree that it's an aesthetic and not a genre then some songs being similar in form to pop songs doesn't change that.

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