i( EΦE)΅ This is clearly jut a rehash of clonepas reenacting Maria sama ga miteru with wigs on.
i( E-E)΅ Your name is Mittens. You are 12 years old and what is this. You have yellow eyes and cream hair, and wear an orange maid uniform. You are pure and boyish; others describe you as maidenly, a tomboy and wild.
You were involved in some very bad things in the past, making you a legend for all the wrong reasons. You have a great deal of freckles. You are a catgirl, possessing a variety of feline features. You speak with a heavy but intelligible American Southern accent. You are actually a spider, and can turn into a human-sized spider or grow six extra arms at will.
In order to punish yourself for your inexperience or sins, you have taken up the job of a maid. In combat, you attack with a chain or rope. When you are extremely upset, you get into whatever vehicle is handy and go for a joyride at at least twice the speed limit.
i( LΦ`)΅ Ah, it reminds me of the day Earl Grey invented his most famous blend of tea.
i(╬ಠϋuಠ)΅ ... AM I DOING IT RIGHT?
i(@@ @ @ @ .@@@@ @ Φ@@ @@@. @@@)΅ Got any crumpets to go with the tea? I would like 100 crumpets, please.
i( ί ί)΅ My Mittens fit this teacup perfectly!
i( ίΝί)΅ >>5 why does that description sound like it was made by some sort of PRNG toy?
i( EΦE)΅ Well, >>14 my dear, it was. http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/maidrpg.html
i( EΦE)΅ Now would you be so kind as to fetch us some more biscuits? Got to earn your keep, you know.
ii@MnLj΅ It is an honor to be invited to this party.
i( ί ί)΅ Thanks I could help!
i<,,MΝL,,>΅ Tea tastes best when served with kimchi!
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|@@ ,,Ι(€_, )R€,,@.::::|@ iT is honOur toBE here@
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