is anyone there? (14)

1 Name: bus : 1993-09-7559 03:20


2 Name: cop car : 1993-09-7559 03:43


3 Name: sports car : 1993-09-7559 05:45


4 Name: KGB MAN : 1993-09-7559 15:09

nobody here

5 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7559 16:55

im here 4 u

6 Name: my ass : 1993-09-7559 17:06


7 Name: Fast Eddie McClintock : 1993-09-7559 20:01

Eat my dust boys!

8 Name: Prayer Man : 1993-09-7559 20:07

I shall pray for you

9 Name: BOMB : 1993-09-7559 20:31

Just a reminder, >>1
If your speed drops below 30mph I will explode

10 Name: Zune : 1993-09-7560 00:58

I still have 18 GB of hard drive space open

11 Name: bus driver : 1993-09-7560 10:46

>>1 we're in this together man. I'll stay with you forev-

@@@@@@@@@@@@ `₯C₯,
---RMCށM₯;`'.@Δή---₯₯₯ BANG
@@LMR€_@ ƒm
@ / @@@@@@@M) j

12 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7560 14:16

And that's how keanu reeves was replaced with a zombie. The End.

13 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-7560 14:59

Stop & drop

14 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7560 15:53

P. Negus

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