SAoVQ Refugee thread (282)

140 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8028 21:15

AFAIK it ran on a pretty vanilla kareha build with some custom stylesheets, shouldn't be hard to clone.


1. Since's snapshots (the only snapshots I'm aware of) are very incomplete, I'm not sure any significant quantity of the content could be salvaged...we'd basically have to start over, which is something I've watched too many boards wither and die from.

2. I really miss saovq, I have hosting, and I'll be around unless I get hit by a bus, but frankly I'd be pretty hesitant to tie my hosting account to a board so thickly spammed by hate speech (even if nobody actually takes it seriously), and I wouldn't be surprised if this is also a reason someone else hasn't already picked up the board. Implementing rules regarding same would probably lead to some amount of kickback in the form of board abuse (which kareha isn't well hardened against) and I don't like to spend lots of time moderating/cleaning up when we're all big kids now and know better. Kickback would also likely take the form of whining about censorship...I just want a fun stupid board to hang out at.

Basically what I'm saying is, yeah, totally doable technically, no guarantees either way activitywise, and I'm not raising my hand to be the one to do it.
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