SAoVQ Refugee thread (277)

190 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8030 04:27

I feel bad for Hotwheels. He is so stressed, probably.
I think so. Not that I have any way of proving it but I'm the guy that doxxed moot and Mr.Vacbob a few years ago. I felt bad about doing it to Mr.Vacbob after. If he is the guy running 4chan now that would be cool but I don't think he is because anything remotely controversial or not feminist enough is being deleted most of the time.

Really though I'd give some money to help smoochi-sama get the area back online. I like the AA and the music that comes out of the area. While I was at the gym today I was listening to Music from the VIPTRONIC albums.

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