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>>9 was the one and only casualty on the British side of the Anglo-Zanzibar war.
>>13 tripped while carrying a mirror and was impaled through the heart by a long shard of glass.
>>15 Bought most of his smokes from my store and died of lung cancer.
>>17 Tried to lift the heaviest weight at the gym, but failed spectacularly.
>>20 was stabbed to death from across the U-shaped table at Yoshinoya.
>>22 Got badly constipated and burst an aneurysm from pushing so hard.
>>23 was gangbanged to death by Richard Stallman and an only slightly less hairy and odoriferous wildebeest.
I convinced >>24 that he did something dishonorable, and he committed seppuku to protect his honor.
>>25 exploded because nichijou season 2 is never going to happen.
>>26 was incinerated for making fun of the guy in the big blue dress.
>>28 decided to write a book but got a really bad papercut while writing it and died from an infection.
>>32 was purged by his older brother, the dictator of Akiyumanistan, and was shot in the basement of the state security HQ.
>>33 Had unprotected sex with a nasty woman and caught a lethal penis infection.
>>34 Had unprotected sex with a nasty man and caught a lethal anal infection.
>>35 Had unprotected sex with a nasty tentacle demon and spontaneously exploded.
>>36 Had unprotected sex with a nasty witch and caught a lethal curse.
>>36 Had unprotected sex with a fishing vessel and caught a nasty shark infestation.
>>38 fucked up the numbering and gave himself an anthrax papercut.