This whole year 1993 thing is so stupid.
Guess what? Some of us here, were born in 2002.
1993 happened 24 years ago. 1993 is like Elvis of the internet. So sad tat the shitty programmer can't fix a date bugthats been around for so long. Just because 4chans not Facebook doesnt mean that it has to be so broken.
I am a roundworm living in >>1's body.
I am sorry >>1 sad opened this worthless THREAD.
>>1 is a born loser, but he has a big appetite, seldom wash his hands, always be filthy. That made >>1's body our paradise.
Thanks to >>1, I have grown up to 2.2 meters long.
But one day, >>1 had bad diarrhea because he was teased on 4-CH.
>>1 washed away my little brother Kenta from his bowels. Poor Kenta! He was only eight centimeters long then.
Normally >>1 has enough nourishment to feed me and all my brothers and sisters.
I don't want to see my little sister Haruna lament the loss of other family member.
Ladies and gentlemen, >>1 is a good-for-nothing fellow, indeed, but please be kind to him.
We are >>1's unused brain parts. We're sorry that >>1 totally missed the point of this thread. We tried to warn the cut&paste lobe, but it went brazenly on, totally missing the point of the thread in its zeal to post a years-old piece of stupidity that has been totally drained of funny and is now a dried out husk of stupidity. In fact, we unused lobes suspect that the cut&paste lobe may have been trying to be ironic in posting something that was both unfunny and off-topic.
We are currently attempting to reroute bloodflow through >>1's brain so that the more intelligent parts can once again take command and make >>1 into a valuable member of society.
Wish us luck. Godspeed!