Crap, the meeedia isn't going to forgive us for this. Which of you guys did it?
I'm puzzled, what might you be referring to?
A quick google suggests >>1 is referring to Personally, I think this is the work of >>9. It sounds like just the sort of thing he would do.
Confess, >>9. We know you're the perpetrator. What was your goal? What are you after?
>>9 used to be an upstanding, quality poster. But in the past few years he's become more cynical and bitter, and started to turn on his own kind. I bet he's on a mission to kill all of u
\;i ヽ____ | ∠_` ヽ , ⌒ヽ /´___,,,ゝ | ___ l
`.i、丶ーー―‐,i DRRR!!!R DRR!!R!!!i ●)(●ヽ____ | ∠_` ヽ , ⌒ヽ /´___,,,ゝ | ___ l
`.i、丶ーー―‐|≪○_》{川}《○≫__/ (丶 | トェェェイ/
U .U ,i DRRR!○_》{川}《○≫__/ !!R DR U /;;: ;;;;;;;;;/ .U
(●)(●)R/ __ヽ ≪○_》{川 |≪○_》{川 |≪○_》{川 |
≪○_》{川 |l  ̄ ̄| ≪○_》{川 |≪○_》{川 |
/(●)(●)R!!R!!!i ヽ____ | ∠_` ヽ , ⌒ヽ /´___,,,ゝ | ___ l
`.i、丶ーー―‐,i DRRR!!!R DRR!!R!!!i ヽ____ | ∠_` ヽ ●)(● , ⌒ヽ /´___,,,ゝ | ___ l
`.i|≪○_》{川 |;;::c{っ:::;;|}《○≫_トェェェェイ、_ ,ノー / ) ノ_/ (丶 | トェェェイ/
U .U 、丶ーー―‐,i DRRR!!!R DRR!!R!!!;:: :::;;\
|;;:: ::::;;|
|≪○_》{川}《○≫| DRRRR..DRRR....dRrRR.....
|;;トェェェェイ、_ ,ノー / ) ノトェェェェイ::;| ddr.....r...DRRRRR....
ヽ;;:ヾエエエエソ::;;/ __
/____ ヽ
l ´・ω・|つ Oh, It's so soft...
/____ ヽ
l ´・ω・|つ (touch touch, touch touch)
ヾ ,'3 彡 POOOF
ミ ミ
彡 ミ
/ソ,, , ,; ,;;:、ヾ`
/____ ヽ
l ´・ω・|Wow! I can use this to defeat the DQNs!
please don't watch the anime, it is shit
play the game instead
verification: ne
I want to Love Chu Chu!
If I logout from this lonely place, surely a beautiful world awaits me...