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120 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8955 18:32

Many people speak here as if Stalinfs Communist regime cared for human life and/or liberty. No, it did not. Stalin and Hitler had a common cause in opposing the UK, France and the United States: both of them despised democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and true capitalism.<br /><br />The URSS did not annex eastern Poland to gprotect Ukrainians, Belarussians and Lithuanians from the Polish yokeh — the same URSS killed millions of Ukrainians by hunger some years before and didnft care a dime for them — but to expand the territories under Kremlinfs control further to the west of Europe. When URSS attacked neutral, democratic Finland its intention was to annex the entire country to the Soviet Union, but due to the better-prepared, better equipped and better-adpated Finnish Army, Stalin just took Karelia in 1940 and Petsamo in 1945.

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