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293 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8986 02:58

I'm lived in big cities (millions of people) and small towns (between 10,000 and 20,000). It's less about population or rural vs. urban (though I've always been in suburban or urban places) and more about better economic opportunities, or just exploring somewhere new if you think the place you were at last wasn't a good fit for you (culturally). And if I ever have a family, I'll make another move... to a place that has good schools.
It's not solely about boredom, but that's one aspect of it. See the above text in my post. But I have noticed that I appreciate life more when I'm in a new place. It's cool and exciting. Once you know about all the local places, it's boring. There's nothing new to discover.

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