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382 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8996 03:15

I don't browse 4chan. This shit leaks into other places too. But even when I did used to browse 4chan, I'd just browse /g/ or /prog/ and people would mostly talk about technology. There's more online race-related shit on Facebook and Twitter and Reddit (at least with who I've added/followed on social media, based on knowing people or being in certain circles).

SJWs aren't online-only. I'm in college in an extremely liberal area. If you think they only exist online, you have no idea.

That's the thing -- these are issues in real life, not just online.

People really do give lectures about white privilege. Yes, in person. They might not be screaming like the internet might want you to think, but yes, people in university (and in the city I'm from) do talk about this a lot. I've also heard white people say racist things about Mexicans -- in person, not online.

Many of the people in my family are obsessed with race. As you might imagine, they're on the SJW end. Believe it or not, but people exist outside of the internet!

I hate when people say "it's just online" or something. Maybe for YOU. Not for me.

I think white people make an effort to virtue signal around me more because of the fact that I'm mixed. As if they have something to prove around me.

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