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40 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8945 07:10

>>38 Removing the gun show loophole and actually enforcing the laws we already have is plenty. There are already laws against owning guns as a felon or a person who's been declared insane by a court, but the fact that resale and private sales of guns are completely unregulated and untracked means acquiring a "gray market" gun is ridiculously easy for people who otherwise would be barred from purchasing one.

But regardless of my own opinion on the most superficial of the involved issues; guns vs noguns, the whole media circus around the police officers involved, the alleged corruption in the local law enforcement, it's just a circus act to keep all the moron fucking plebs from asking real questions. What they absolutely don't want is for someone to look at the whole picture, realize that the dehumanizing nature of modern capitalist society in general and modern public schooling in specific are what causes people to get stuck on the very bottom rung of the pyramid of needs for so long that they no longer even feel human, but as some kind of cattle, and get into the mindset that the only thing left to them is to get a gun and lash out at the society that created them in whatever way they can. The elites, the 1%, the jews, the bourgeoisie, whatever you want to call them, are so afraid of the day that the finger come back to point at them that they point their own fingers in every direction possible and try to be the one to yell the loudest, hoping that some of it will stick long enough for the plebs to get bored and go back to mindlessly consuming.

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