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410 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8997 02:33

Good stereo systems in cars look good because they are designed with the rest of the interior in mind. So the stock one looks like it fits in. The reason why aftermarket ones look bad is that they donft have separate styles for different models of cars, which all have different interior aesthetics. One-size-fits-all styling. Besides, people buy stereos for the features rather than the looks.

My car came with an aftermarket stereo when I bought it (I can only afford used cars) and it the aux input doesnft work so I canft hook it up to my phone and itfs old enough that it doesnft support Bluetooth. So I just got a cheap portable Bluetooth speaker and a charger for my car and pair it with my phone to play music/audiobooks/podcasts.

These days, the best in-car entertainment system is your phone.

Have you ever used CarPlay or Android Auto before? They seem pretty cool but theyfre only available on newer cars and stereos (which I donft have).

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