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419 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8997 04:22

Insurance complications
Cars break down over time \ you want a home that wonft last?
No free parking, cops harass people who sleep in car
Even if you pay for a parking spot somewhere, like in a parking garage, you will not be allowed to stay in it overnight
It will get super hot in summer and super cold in winter
People can break into your car and steal everything
If your car gets towed and you canft pay the fee, youfre screwed
Hard to shower, cool, etc
Using your car for daily electricity needs will mean you either have to drive a lot or youfll run your battery down and eventually get in a situation where your car wonft start or you have to let your electronics die
You will spend a lot more on gas for the battery, heat, AC, etc.
AC wonft last anywhere near as long because car AC is not the same as home AC
When you take your car to the mechanic, your entire home and all your possessions are there
Unlimited data gets throttled so itfs neither unlimited nor fast
No mailing address will mess a lot of things up for you
Hard to be in a relationship when you donft have a place to stay
Lack of space
Lack of privacy
People will avoid you or think youfre nuts

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