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195 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9029 18:59

Nobody uses desktops anymore, aside from neckbeards. Laptops are the only relevant computers these days. I've built numerous desktops, and still have a pretty high-end one. But I almost never use it compared to my MacBook because I can't take it with me anywhere. And even if the hardware is better, Windows and Linux suck as desktop OSes. macOS is really the only viable native developer platform these days. If you really need something else, you can always run a VM. But I rarely use other desktop OSes these days, even virtualized. But these days, I'm more likely to use a Docker container than a VM.

Use TG Pro and set a custom fan profile. How new are you to using Macs? And don't act like this is a Mac-only thing, I used to use SpeedFan in Windows.

I just know someone will call me a troll (like you have in the past). This site is a bizarre echo chamber and people here can't handle different opinions. Go ahead and pretend that Linux is viable and that nobody uses mobile devices. Clearly the only people who disagree are trolls. Right.

172 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9028 18:13

I stopped using desktop Linux years ago. macOS just works.

174 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9028 20:06

Still more usable than Linux. I'll use Linux on my NAS, router, IoT shit, AWS/Heroku, etc. but fuck using it on a laptop or desktop lmao

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