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201 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9029 19:28


> Still more usable than Linux
> Laptops are the only relevant computers these days
> Windows and Linux suck as desktop OSes
> systemd is straight up garbage.

Citations needed! (Okay, that last one is true.) All of this is inflammatory garbage that makes you look like a total asshole. (I'm not saying you are an asshole. Maybe you're not, but that's hard to believe.) Your only real argument is you can't run Xcode to write iOS apps. Well yeah, but that's not what everyone uses a computer for, is it?

> macOS is really the only viable native developer platform these days.
> Most developers I know use MacBooks.
> No serious developers use Windows unless they're doing Windows-only stuff (i.e. C# .NET).
> Who uses Linux for development? Maybe kernel developers.

You're living in an echo chamber.

Again, if all the world were software developers writing for iOS exclusively, then maybe you'd have a point about usability. But they're not. So you don't.

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