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230 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9030 15:10

Talking like someone who does mobile development for a living and thus uses an MBP all day at work, it's garbage. It's filled with small crap like lack of cut and paste on the finder which is trivially fixed in Linux, but unworkable on mac OS. Updates fucking hijack your computer for 15 to 20 minutes, that's unacceptable in 2018, and you need to update it for practically every two Xcode updates or so. The whole fucking computer. To run the latest Xcode.

Hey, some idiot updated the test device to an iOS beta? Boy oh boy, now I'll have to download 18GBs of a TRASH IDE just to get the development image.

Mobile development is garbage. Android Studio is crap, except when compared to other Java IDEs. Xcode is the worst shit imaginable and UIKit crashes DAILY. Indexing on Xcode has been broken for 5 releases now, I have to restart that shit twice a day. Mobile p2p fintech solutions for ios and android are garbage ideas. Every uber-but-for-tater-tots idea man can suck my balls. Every mobile dev candidate is absolute trash and the whole field is polluted by amateurs who barely finished high school.

Fuck you.

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