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428 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9037 21:59

Are you seriously getting mad that I'm calling someone out for being antisemitic? You're just trying to change the subject. ((())) is an antisemitic dog whistle. Quit trying to change the subject.

((())) serves no purpose other than to mean "I think this person is Jewish" and it's used in a negative context. It's ridiculous that there are people who justify this. Sometimes, people use it in their Twitter name to show that they're an enemy of alt-right racists, but that's the only time when it's not racist. But in this thread, it has been used in a racist manner.
You have no self-awareness.

Yeah, I'M the one in an echo chamber. Not the people who are trying to normalize antisemitism. Okay.

I wouldn't even describe myself as a leftist. Do you think anyone who disagrees with you is a leftist? You know who's the biggest supporter of Israel? It's certainly not the democrats. Leftists tend to be in favor of Palestine/Gaza rather than Israel. Leftists are often antisemitic, which is funny considering that they pretend to be the party of tolerance and progress.

I really shouldn't even be responding to someone who is unironically racist, but here's what I have to say about these conspiracy theories about Jews:

The flaw with a lot of alt-right conspiracies is that they assume all power is completely consolidated in the world. It's true that there are a lot of rich and powerful people. But there are actually quite a lot of billionaires now, and new ones are popping up a lot now, especially in America and some developing countries (lots of income inequality now). But the fundamental flaw in alt-right thinking is that you think all rich and powerful people are having clandestine meetings and getting along and making plans together. In reality, there are many different ideologies among the elite and they don't always get along. Not all rich people get along.

You want a simple and easy explanation for complicated issues. It's intellectually lazy to tell yourself that Jews are behind everything. In reality, Jewish people are just like everyone else. I have Jewish friends and I've even dated a Jewish girl before. The real problems in society are with extremely rich and powerful people. There are rich and powerful people from all different backgrounds, and guess what? They don't all get along, don't all have the same religion, and aren't all from the same place in the world.

You get confused with confirmation bias because some shitty /pol/ images pick and choose a few Jewish people but ignore all of the non-Jewish people who are also global elites who serve their own best interests.

Billionaires are powerful and control the media. But not all billionaires are Jewish, and not all billionaires get along. There is no global conspiracy. Occam's Razor and all that. Peter Thiel isn't Jewish. Dr. Dre isn't Jewish. Bill Gates isn't Jewish. Xi Jinping isn't Jewish. Putin isn't Jewish. I could go on and on. There are plenty of people who are absurdly rich and/or powerful who have nothing to do with Judaism.

At the end of the day, people want to be happy. Money can help with that. People want to be powerful. Money can get you power. Powerful people can buy politicians or media outlets. But there is no single person or single group that controls everything. Instead, there are a lot of powerful rich people who control different portions of the media or politics.

But I bet you're not open to listening to ideas that don't back up your preconceived notions. You're either going to ignore me or just double down on your incorrect views.

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