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510 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9040 02:22

Some people really are like that. It's not always a case of being people stupid, just scared of trying something new and messing it up somehow.
There are plenty of people who close an error message before reading it. Quite often, you can just google the error message to find instructions on how to fix it. But most people don't even do that.
They have a family "tech guy" who is "good with computers" so they let that person do it instead.
Same. Sometimes, it's weird that they almost seem to take pride in not knowing computer stuff. Like they're too good to know how to use it. Because tech knowledge is for losers, apparently.
Why double down when instead you can admit that it's awkward to use that word in that context?
Automation is a widely-used word. Automatization is not.
That reminds me of people who write "defiantly" instead of "definitely." Sure, "defiantly" really is a word. But I don't think it's the word you meant to write.
Just look at the difference in popularity between the two words:
Not everything is an insult or attack. It's okay to admit when someone else's correction is right. But I think people have a knee-jerk reaction of defending something no matter what. But that's not how you grow as a person.
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