[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#27] (999)

716 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9047 06:03

long post no one cares about
doesn't really fit the snarky/curt/lighthearted nature of the site, but I've been drinking

stopped living in the now and I'm living in the past
wondering how long this shit will last

bad memories and introspection
shitty poetry and catharsis
doesn't always have to rhyme

jumped out the window, but it didn't work
just got hurt
broke bones and went to the hospital
feeling absolutely awful
nobody visited me
profound melancholy

closed that chapter in my life
my loser friend now has a wife
not sure how he pulled that off

look at facebook profiles for a while
waiting for my code to compile
macbook fan sounds like a jet
do I regret this purchase yet?
got no game, only options are old flames
dreary look through the yearbook
remember when I made you shook
not anymore
you turned into a basic whore
and I'm a fucking lame developer
now I'm dead to her
parted ways like parted hair
life doesn't need to be fair
congratulations on graduatin'
mista thug isolation

can't get over existential dread
maybe I'd be better off dead
but I'll keep on truckin' anyway
maybe something good will happen one day
not now, but eventually
you and me

miss my old friends
drop acid with you like back in the day
pretend that everything's like how it used to be
but we can never go back

reading books critical of technology
and they really resonates with me
neoluddism is the way to go
manifest destiny

technology sucks ass
social media was a mistake

bills and taxes
in theory and practice
consumed by nihilism and a lack of purpose
buy more, watch more, do less
is this the endgame of society?
using purchasing habits to define your personality
mass media is gross too

buy fancy new shit to replace your old tech
but it can never fill the void in your life
your old shit taking up space in landfills
turning flat lands into trash hills

paying off student loan debt
am I there yet?
do I regret it? I think not
an important experience but it costs a fucking lot

no one will ever care
pie in the sky aspirations that went nowhere
the next bill gates? yeah right
making shitty apps to afford a place to sleep at night

the american dream is dead
but the american nightmare has never been more real

apathy is easy and apathy is cool
but sometimes you gotta open up and stop being a massive tool
can't be stoic 24/7

unfulfilling consumerism and modernity
what the fuck is wrong with me
going through the motions
strange emotions

a remote access trojan with persistence via a BIOS rootkit
animals being born and slaughtered just so we can eat and shit
pollute the planet and have our way with it
"here for a good time, not a long time"
destroying the planet is a serious crime

goldilocks conditions for life are very uncommon
and we're throwing that all away so a few people can get rich
while other people starve or don't have access to healthcare
or they're victims of abuse and no one cares
lack of upward mobility means many can't go anywhere

botnet command and control on GitHub Gist
why the fuck does the universe exist?

a rich dystopia is still a dystopia
moral compasses have all but disappeared
people can't debate anymore -- have you been CURRENT YEAR'd?

hanging out with friends but still feeling alone
too many notifications on this stupid ass phone
if you want good friends, you have to be a good friend
can't think of relationships as just a means to an end

I don't know what I'm doing
do you?
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