what is this sh*T (40)

1 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:19

i .ƒΦ.jwhose terrible idea WAS this?

2 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:20

( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) it was made for BORGUS!!!11

3 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:23

And now.. Obscure Inside jokes about a man trip-
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Θ@Θ
/@@/ @||@@^@@@@@@@@@@(EΝE) This might violate
l “ρ | ||@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^|the geneva convention.
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

4 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:24

i .ƒΦ.j Thats my FAVORITE type of joke! Remember that one time when he tripped!

i .ƒΦ.j...

i .ƒΦ.jAh, good times.

5 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:26

( EƒΦE) Be careful, clonepa! If he gets word of this, the liquifier will be turned on for sure!

6 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:28

i .Ɏ.j We'll be fine!

i .Ɏ.j It's not like anyone respects the geneva convention anyways!

7 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:28

i @L_½MjDid I hear tripping jokes?

8 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:29

( EƒΦE)...

( EƒΦE) I think we need to run.

9 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:29

(EΝE) I sure hope not! Otherwise I will have to call the geneva convention on you.

(EΝE) And they don't go easy!

10 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:32

( EƒΦE) But if we can't make tripping jokes, what kind of jokes will we make?

( EƒΦE) It's been like four years and we STILL don't have any original content!

11 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:35

(EΝE) I mean, at least we still have botulism!

12 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:37

@ i EƒΦEj And prion disease...
@@( ‚Β’UO

@ i xƒΦxj hrk!
@@( ‚Β’UO

13 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:39

░░▌░░▌█▀▒▒▒▒▒▄▀█▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▐░░ She took the fucking prion disease!

14 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:41

( EƒΦE)...

( EƒΦE) Does she know what prion disease is?

( EƒΦE) She'll be dead within the week! And My kids will be returned to me!

( EƒΦE) Wheeeeee!

15 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:41

(EΝE) Not if she shares like a decent fucking human being!

16 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:53

( EƒΦE) Man this sucks. Hey, you! Queue the outro music!

17 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:55

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@QΘQΘQΘQΘQΘQΘQΘQΘQ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ƒ@@@@@@this is a piece of shit!!@@@ @„
@@@™@@@@@@ΛίΊΛίΊ@@@@@@|Q@ Q@ Q@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q|
@@@@@@@ ™@@@ΊΫ݁@. @@@@@@Ι@ Ι@Ι@Ι@Ι@Ι@Ι@Ι@Ι
@@@@ @ _|@@ @ @@@(QQQ
@@@τ@ @|_@@@@@@@@ @ @MRA@@@ΓήΉΓήΉ@@@τ@@@@@@@@τ
@ @@@@@ b@_@@@@ @ τ@ @ @ _ @ @ ™ @@@@@@@@@@@@τ
@@@ Κ,,ʁ@|@@@_@@@@@@@ @ @ @ r@τ@ R
@@ i ίƒΦί ) .|@τ@@_@@@@@@@@@ /@@ί Κ,,ʁ@@@@@™@@@@@@@@τ
@a / ‚Β|PPPPPPPPPPP Ɂ@ @ ^@Vi ίƒΦί ) @@@@/@@@@@@@θ
@ai ™·QQQQQQƒΔ[\[r[L@@Y@@„‘_‚Ɓ_‚Ζ.SΈίΉ.@Κ,,ʁ@ @|Ό
@ ¬¬‚t‚t@a@ @@ Κ,,ʁ@@@ ||@@@@@|| @ƒΑ άRRƒR ƒm@ @|| @@i ίƒΦί ) ƒm á@@ΞήέΞή݁@™
@a @ @a. aj@ @i ίƒΦί -„­ || @ @ @ .||@ƒ°ƒ° @.|:::|Ύ¬@@|| @@b @ i@ a@j@@@ΞήέΞή݁@@τ
@@@@@@@ @@@ ‚Œ@ ‚Β.|@φ @@@.^|_l Q.ƒmƒm _||_@@^|_@b‚Β„ͺ)„ͺ„΄i„ͺ
@@@@@@@@@ @ @ R@@| χ.—@@@τ@@@@@ΔήΡΔήΡ.@ @ @ @ @@i__ i__(@θ@.j
@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ UU ‚΅Œ@@@@@@@@@@@@ΐήΐήΐήΐ!@@@@@@@@@ @ άυά

18 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:55

(EΝE) The show's not even over! We've been here for 5 minutes!

19 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:58

( EƒΦE) Hey! That's a new record!

( EƒΦE) Let's celebrate by turning on our morphine drips!

20 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 18:59

@@@@@@@@ @@ __|_...| @@
@@@@@@ @ @ @ |@ | |
@@@@@@ @ @ @ |Q| |
@@ Q ƒn _ƒnQ___ƒm@ |
@ /|@|i@EƒΦEj | ƒm @ |@Did someone say drug induced bliss?
@||, ``'άάR`-.€. |
@||_@@@'@ ,ά M@@ށR
@@@ _||PPPPPP||
@@@ @ ||PPPPPP||

21 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:00

@@@@@@@@ @@ @@
@@@@@@ @ @ @
@@@@@@ @ @ @
@@ Q ƒn _ƒnQ___@
@ /|@|i@EƒΦEj | @ @Hey! That's my morphine bag!
@||, ``'άάR`-.€. Give it back!
@||_@@@'@ ,ά M@@ށR
@@@ _||PPPPPP||
@@@ @ ||PPPPPP||

22 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:02

@@ Q ƒn _ƒnQ___@
@ /|@|i@EƒΦE| @ @Oh well! That IV drip was probably
@||, ``'άάR`-.€. laced with something anyways.
@||_@@@'@ ,ά M@@ށR
@@@ _||PPPPPP||
@@@ @ ||PPPPPP||

23 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:03

@@ Q ƒn _ƒnQ___@
@ /|@|i@xƒΦx| @ @hrk
@||, ``'άάR`-.€.
@||_@@@'@ ,ά M@@ށR
@@@ _||PPPPPP||
@@@ @ ||PPPPPP||

24 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:04

( EƒΦE) Thats another one done! Someone get the dust pan!

25 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:09

_ \
\\ \
__\\_____ ___\___
|__|____| ˆˆˆ MMMMMMM

26 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:11

And now.. it turns out making original text art is harder than it seems...
@QQQQ@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Θ@Θ
/@@/ @||@@^@@@@@@@@@@(EΝE) Obviously!
l “ρ | ||@@@@@@@@@^ PP’UPP^| That's why we just steal from other threads!
@|;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;|@@@@@@@ |l„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ]l|'

27 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:14

|| Here you go, sweep
|| that up..............
====== |
|||||| / ~@~ \
|||||| |-------|
|||||| |_______|

28 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:15

i .ƒΦ.j Man that is one fucked up broom.

i .ƒΦ.j Who made this?

29 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:17

( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) I made it!

i .ƒΦ.j You're fired.

i .ƒΦ.j Go jump in the liquifier.

( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) Okay! :)

30 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:18

i .ƒΦ.jAlright, I've got a free milkshake for anyone who wants it.

31 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:19

@ i EƒΦEj I like milkshake!
@@( ‚Β’UO

@ i EEj slrrrp
@@(@ήƒm S

@ i EƒΦEj Hmm, tastes like a shittily made broom...
@@( ‚Β’UO

/||\ hrk
====== |
|||||| / ~@~ \
|||||| |-------|
|||||| |_______|

32 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9122 19:21

(EΝE) so... what are we doing about that OD'd corpse?

@@ Q ƒn _ƒnQ___@
@ /|@|i@xƒΦx| @ @
@||, ``'άάR`-.€.
@||_@@@'@ ,ά M@@ށR
@@@ _||PPPPPP||
@@@ @ ||PPPPPP||

33 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:34

(@EƒΦEjPark ranger here to take him out to the liquifier!

34 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9122 19:53

(EΝE) He was doing drugs in a park?

(EΝE) What a horrible, sick, disgusting waste of a person!

35 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9123 07:30

I feel personally attacked

36 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9143 02:47

Attack? Thats my middle name!

37 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9143 03:20

(EΝE) Uh oh, i think I'm hearing voices again!
(EΝE) Also, mr. disembodied voice, attack is a stupid name...

(EΝE) ...for a stupid face...

(EΝE) ...if you had a face...

38 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9143 03:26

(EΝE) That morphine must be getting to me...

39 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9143 07:14

(*L„D`)Κ§Κ§ Damn, I wish that momo was getting to me...

40 Name: i .ƒΦ.j : 1993-09-9207 05:00

(EΝE) Wait, that wasn't morphine!
(EΝE) ...
(EΝE) It was the aids!!

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