487名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffcf-ySnM)2017/11/13(月) 20:01:14.76ID:BydUufuk0
My dad was in South Korea 2 years ago for work and he said everything was extremely sterile,
absolutely nothing was adapted for foreigners and that they barely spoke english. He also said
he saw a shit tone of people drunk on the streets and that people took pictures of his beard.
>>2 Do you know what board you copied that from? It looks politics-related
https://lavender.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1470820633/, which I guess isn't actually "2-ch"
this thread had really good potential. since 2/5ch is more active. :-(
>>6 Did it though? Seems like the opposite of a good thread