[AI] Talk To Transformer [Text Generation] (336)

1 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9381 07:16


The Elitist Superstructure of DQN were the highest ranked ones at the lowest level. Even though the members at this level were extremely well qualified, their methods were nothing to laugh at.

But DQN could not afford any delay; there was still at least an hour before the meeting room entrance.

The members of DQN stood before the entrance; each man had a very small, wooden box on his back. To their right sat two very old brothers wearing high boots; one was carrying a small black umbrella and the other was carrying a large wooden palanquin full of red cloth. At their feet stood two women dressed in high red robes and one black-haired woman holding a long spear. They were clearly not from the DQN sect.

After the two brothers and women bowed to each other, they went towards the entrance in silence.

Su Yun took off his clothes with a smile and immediately put on his shoes.

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