[AI] Talk To Transformer [Text Generation] (336)

233 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9702 08:29

elon musk had violent anal sex with cybertruck Leetae to bedking ol'rocknrockd, basically raping him because he was a beast for something he had to fight against. Then he destroyed metal mountain and building taking his godly soul.

Leetae decides to try a brutal method to achieve revenge, which is raping both Leetae's daugthater Hethia and cripples Marinus for stealing metal masta. Even though he doesnt care that much and even when he tries to take Hethia, it starts to go wrong, Marinus kills him before he can.

Then a couple of weeks ago, Marinus acquired the soul of Zachary the ape and then he just killed Zachary

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