[AI] Talk To Transformer [Text Generation] (336)

44 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9382 14:49

Hello! My name is Clonepa! How are you feeling today?"
"I'm feeling good~ (Gulp)(n)!"
She let her breath get in her chest.
She was feeling pretty normal.
In that moment, she had been thinking about this for a while.
Clone and Master had told her about the monster battle going on.
Their words were, 'The boss's group is heading towards the end of this area'.
After hearing their statement, she couldn't help but feel happy.
They were talking about what their fight with the boss's group would be like.
In fact, they were also thinking about how to best kill the boss's group.
But, there was nothing that she told them.
'I'll be the 'good guy' and kill them too.'
Clone suddenly became confident.
She started to think of ways of killing them.
A few days later, they were attacked by the boss's group.
The boss's group was really huge.
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