Why you have sex w a-holes (13)

1 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9510 18:18


Or: The reason you ffd them when you didnft really want to.

There is so much shame in it, isnft there? The confusion. The: but I knew all along. And I didnft want to. But I did it. Hell, maybe I even INITIATED it.

The self judgement. You feel violated. Like youfve been coerced. Even if the other person didnft gDOh anything wrong (and maybe they didnft).

This is why the students sleep with the teacher. Why cult members are suddenly cowed and end up bedding the leader.

And maybe you think itfs a kink. Maybe you just want to be a fsubf. Maybe you think youfre attracted to eauthorityf (even if itfs not authority but control dressed up as something else).

You know what this is called?


Or, more specifically: TEND AND BEFRIEND.
Also known as efawningf.

Itfs a fear response.
Youfve heard of fight, flight and freeze, right?

Tend and befriend is is predominately female fear response that goes into care-taking mode when itfs afraid.

Itfs hard for those who donft really experience this fear response to understand.
Itfs part of why you caretake and rescue those who you should walk away from.


It gets wired into our bodies until eventually it becomes our unconscious kink.

If I can seduce this dangerous dude, Ifll be safe.
If I can befriend this person who represents a threat, I wonft be hurt.
Ifm going to CHOOSE the ebad guyf, because after all these years, Ifve wired myself to get wet when someone is WRONG for me.

And then Ifm going to exhaust myself by taking care of them while they give fuck all back to me.

If I can make YOU ok. Ifll be ok.

That arousal you feel when the ewrongf guy is seducing you againc itfs not arousal.
The level of arousal you feel for THAT person is directly proportional to how much you also FEAR THEM.
Itfs that fear and arousal have become so deeply entwined, itfs hard to distinguish between which is which.
Itfs so deep you might not even see it yet.

And then the fear/arousal takes over, and youfre no longer driving your body.
Your limbic system is.

And you feel bad and judge yourself the next day.
But it wasnft you.
It was conditioning.

And itfs so hard to explain it to people so they understand.
That you were choosing, but you WERENfT choosing.
Because millions of years of evolution have hardwired you to cosy up to exactly the person you should be running away from.

It is TEND AND BEFRIEND that has allowed all these cult leaders to take advantage of their students.

It was the opportunising of a SURVIVAL TACTIC when their students were actually AFRAID (and didnft even know it).

I know you might be judging yourself for what happened.
But itfs hardwired into you.
Itfs not your fault.
Your body did what it did because it was afraid.

Youfre contending with countless generations of limbic patterning.
ON TOP OF your own traumas that cause you to behave that way.

So herefs what you can do.
Give yourself a break.
Understand that itfs confusing because IT IS CONFUSING.
Situations that are good for us may leave us gobsmacked at the truth, but always CLEAR.
Situations where wefve been manipulated or where wefve been disassociated will feel confusing.

Take some space.
Listen to what your body really wants.
Notice when you go into caretaking/friending both platonically and sexually.

Find ways to stop yourself enacting the behaviour.
Notice the people who catalyse you into this state, and stay away from them until youfre stronger in your centre.

Forgive yourself. Your pre frontal cortex (centre of consciousness) IS NOT stronger than the whole history of human evolution (limbic response).
So: forgive yourself.

2 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9510 18:39


3 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9510 18:44

Please keep found diatribes such as this one in the dedicated "CTRL+V betafag essays from elsewhere on the internet" thread.

4 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9519 14:32

I have sex with a-holes because it feels tighter than sex in a vagina.

5 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9520 03:22

Are you an a-hole? You'll be had sex with

6 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9520 04:08

>>4 Imagine being so cucked that you WILLINGLY have sex in a place where her SHIT, her WET and BROWN SHIT has scraped its way through, imagine sticking your dick in that! All while coping with the fact that she REFUSED to allow you to go into a hole a few INCHES away SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR THE DICK, Imagine coping so hard that you PRETEND IT FEELS BETTER LMAO

7 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9520 06:09

Uhm, excuse me but ANUS is self-cleaning. Can you say the same about the vagina that doesn't have a plumbing system of any
sort and only bleeds ONCE a month? Would you really put your precious penis into a temple of STALE blood? Don't be gross.

8 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9520 08:04

>>6 It's extra privilege beyond vaginal entry, not one or the other, not because entry was REFUSED in the other holes. Fuck her in the pussy and if she likes you enough she might ask you in French to go in the other hole too. It's tighter, but it's no temple of stale blood.

9 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9520 09:12

this is why i only have sex with plants, like richard stallman

10 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9520 14:41

I prefer to imagine having sex with virtual creatures, so I trick the nature by pretending to mate, still have my fun and avoid any grossness or human contact (diseases). I think if there is THE big brain way of going about it, this is the one.
IMHO, of course.

11 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9520 20:13

Vagina is self-cleaning. Anus requires the application of several sheets of tissue once every 10 hours on average.

12 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9520 20:59

>>11 Read a BOOK, read a BOOK, read a MUTHA FUCKIN BOOK and get so engrossed that you lose track of time, then simply stand up 'n' shake off the flakes!

13 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9521 10:52

bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex

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