I wonder who will claim the 2GET.
Dang, I was too late!
|.....||QQ|| i @@@ j@@It's okay.
|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /
|.....||QQ|| i @@@ j@@>>1's thread surprised him‽
|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /
|@\@@@@@@ @ |
|@@|¼( LƒÖ`) @ | < Are ya' 2GETting, son?
|@@|@@| @@U @|
|@@|@ /ƒm@Rj@|
|.....||QQ|| i @@@ j@@I meant >>7, fuck.
|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /
Not with whatever mona-compatible font I happen to be using, in whatever locale I happen to be running, during this phase of the moon. When I type a backslash, I see a backslash, and it seems a bit silly that the rest of you don't.
|.....||QQ|| i @@@ j@@I just ordered a pizza from Rei's with bitcoin!
|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /
|.....||QQ|| i @@@ j@@what a silly thread
|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /