if you report your car as stolen, you don't have to pay parking tickets
if they catch in the act just change the conversation to the philosophical definition of ownership and whether stealing truly exists until they hang up
you don't have to pay taxes if they can't find you
Don't think, feel and you'll be tanasinn.
To expel a djinn from your home, walk in a clockwise circle around the perimeter 786 times while repeating "bi-smi llahi r-rahman r-rahim".
Chronically sleep deprived? Try a medically induced coma.
Tootle him with increasing vigour.
baptize other people's children
floss. twice a day.
>>5 If you give the djinn a beer, it usually cools right down and is happy just to chill and watch Netflix with you.
microwave eggs for a quick hard-boil
throw away your microwave so you can spend more time cooking
Install Linux, problem solved.
still having problems? try reinstalling Linux