[☆BRAAAPP☆] Bump this Thread every time you fart! [Flatulence] [Paato 1] (42)

1 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10035 23:14

          /    )x  ) pppppPRPPPPPFPPTTTTFRRRRTTTLllLLllllllll
          /    ノ  ノ
        / l  ;'   / :|
        | |  |   /|  |
        / | / ,:'"   'i |
       /  | |/     \\
      |    \\    ⊂/
      |  | つ| .(_)   γ⌒ヾ⌒ヽ
      | /ω | |    |   )x  ) ffffbbbrrlrrlraaallllpppbvfbthbthfbthPPTGBLAARRRBBPTHPTH
      l |   | l_ ./  ノ  ノ
        \___ (⌒'  ノ )\
                と_) し' | |
                      | |

2 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10035 23:18

Yes, I did make this flatulant thread exclusively to show off my new buttface AA.

          /    ノ  ノ
        / l  ;'   / :|
        | |  |   /|  |
        / | / ,:'"   'i |
       /  | |/     \\
      |    \\    ⊂/
      |  | つ| .(_)
      | /ω | |
      l |   | l_____
      \\_\___  \  his legs are very dribbly
        \_____)\  |
                   | |
                  | |

         |   )x  ) pppppPPPFFFFFFFFRRRRRTttttt
        /  ノ  ノ
      (⌒'  ノ )
      と_) し'

The little one is the big one's nephew, or perhaps mitotic progeny. Come on, give them both a pair of cute names!

3 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10035 23:53

Just farted

4 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10036 00:29

I also just farted.


5 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10036 03:06

farted again

6 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10036 06:42


7 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10037 01:08

Hi, I've just farted.

8 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10037 01:50

( ゚ ー゚) farted again

9 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10037 16:50


10 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10037 18:53

I farted

11 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10038 04:48

Just farted a huge one. I had to yell out a little "oooooooohhh yeah" as I did it.

12 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10038 13:53

( ・-・) this thread stinks

13 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10038 22:14


14 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10039 05:40

          /    )x  ) BRRRUUUUMPffffptft
          /    ノ  ノ
        / l  ;'   / :|
        | |  |   /|  |
        / | / ,:'"   'i |
       /  | |/     \\
      |    \\    ⊂/
      |  | つ| .(_)
      | /ω | | just farted teehee
      l |   | l_____
      \\_\___  \  
        \_____)\  |
                   | |
                  | |

15 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10039 06:40


16 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10039 19:41

17 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10043 03:47

Dear DQN,

I farted.

18 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10043 23:18


19 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10045 03:50

( ゚ ヮ゚) Here's MY contribution!

      ∧_∧ ( 。。。。o o o o 0 0 0 0 ⌒)
      (゚ヮ ゚ ) ノノ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜′
       /ノ ヽ

20 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10045 08:47


21 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10046 10:17

             ( ゚Д゚) 〜 I FARTED!
            ⊂  つ
             (つ ノ
     \      ☆
             |     ☆
          (⌒ ⌒ヽ   /
    \  (`⌒  ⌒  ⌒ヾ   /
      ('⌒ ; ⌒   ::⌒  )
     (`     )     ::: ) /
  ☆─ (⌒;:    ::⌒) :;  )
     (⌒::   ::     ::⌒ )
    / (    ゝ  ヾ 丶  ソ ─

22 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10047 06:54

Considering that no one else has proposed any names for the characters yet, I propose that we name them Rosharto and Lil Badshit in honor of the gikopoi users responsible for inspiring their creation.

23 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10047 10:40

Don't forget MONA and ♥ who combined to make this monstrosity on Giko in the first place. Maybe Faarto?

24 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10047 11:04

is that our mona? why hasn't he been here for over two years at this point?

25 Name: *blarrrrrmpfffff* : 1993-09-10048 07:12

secret giko cabal

26 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10055 08:07

Should I bump this thread when I have gassy diarrhea?

27 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10070 17:40

hey i didn't fart but check out https://ganbatte.vip/ the comfy textboard

28 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10075 11:29

I farted all over >>27

29 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10076 23:31

Just left Yoshinoya after cropdusting it.

30 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10083 09:13

just blew some gas at 5:12 AM

31 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10083 09:26

Farted again

32 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10088 07:57

Just farted at 3:57 AM

33 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10091 07:17

Farted at 3:17 AM

34 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10091 18:10

had some keto ice cream and farted a lot afterwards.

35 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10098 16:19

Just farted in the dunkin donuts drive through

36 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10099 22:54

farting in my bed

37 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10100 04:14

Migraine fart

38 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10106 16:59

Gawr Gura making bubbles underwater.

39 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10106 17:20

Farted on my sofa but wish I could fart on that annoying shark girl's face

40 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10109 16:28

I shut off the power windows in my car, drove with other people in it, then let out an SBD.

41 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10443 23:04

Opening a jar from Stephanie Matto.

42 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11299 07:15

I never replied to it at the time, and the user who asked this learned on his own that this was in fact not our mona but a different MONA (secret cabale stuff), but I must post this now for the historical record:
MONA is in fact not mona. Our mona is lost to time.

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